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Tips on how you can Conserve water

UN World Water Day

It all starts with you: on World Water Day things you and your family can do to conserve water at home

ByIANSlife Features

March 22, 2020 (IANSlife) Today on World Water Day we remember how the world around us faces water scarcity.  This is in most countries including India. 

The onus is on all of us to take small steps in our homes and our routines to save water. With the ongoing pandemic, everyone has been advised to wash their hands regularly and as much as they can; so when you think of safety, also try and think of conservation. 

One of the first and foremost things you can do to conserve water is to close the tap while scrubbing your hands. Follow these simple steps from Whirlpool India to help conserve this precious resource.

Take a bucket bath
It's back to basics, so why not try an old fashioned ‘balti bath’ ? A shower uses more water then bathing with a bucket and a mug. It’s a good practise to take a bucket bath as it saves a lot of water in comparison to a shower or a bathtub.


     UN World Water Day

Clean fruit and vegetables in a pan
Rinsing fruit and vegetables is routine kitchen work, but instead of washing it under a running faucet, you should clean the fruit and vegetables in a pan of water. By doing this, you can also reuse the water for watering plants.

Smart Laundry Solutions
Washing clothes accounts for alot of indoor water usage. Energy efficient washing machines along with responsible laundry habits can contribute significantly to the environment.

 a) Running full loads: Running washing machines with a small pile of dirty laundry can cause a lot of wastage of water.  Wait to load a wash until you have a full load.

 b) Upgrade to a 5-star rated efficient Washing Machine: Opting for an energy efficient washing machine means less energy and water goes into waste. These new range of technologically equipped and user-friendly washing machines also help you save on electricity bills.

Replace your plumbing fixtures
With growing consumer needs, there has been a demand for innovation in plumbing fixtures. These fixtures are not only aesthetically appealing and technologically advanced but are also designed to save water and energy. Upgrading to these newer shower heads, faucets and pipes can lower monthly bills and help in water conservation.

Stop the overflow
Water spilling out of the overhead tanks is a common site. Almost all Indian homes and commercial premises have these tanks for water storage. To address the problem of overflowing of water tanks, you can either install a float valve, overflow alarm or an automatic water level controller. By this you can save hundreds of litres of water daily.
Use a bucket to wash your car
Running water pipes to wash your car is a lot of wastage of water. Use a bucket or damp cloth to clean your car and do your bit in water conservation.
Don’t wash the veranda or backyard with a pipe
Clean your verandas, balconies and backyards using broom to remove the dry matter. For additional cleaning of sticky stains and dirt, use a mop instead of running a water pipe.
Defrost frozen food in the refrigerator
Instead of thawing food by soaking it in water, try using the defrost option of your refrigerator. Plan your meals well in advance because defrosting is a little time consuming then the alternate way of thawing food. But by following this method you can save plenty of water.


   World Water Day


Greywater Recycling
This method of conserving water reduces a lot of water usage. A few systems in India present greywater solutions for both residential and commercial facilities. Reduce fresh water demand and save water using the greywater treatment.

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