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Music band on wheelchairs to perform in Chandigarh

Chandigarh: Flowing Karma performing at Chandigarh Spinal Rehab, Sector 28 on Nov 21, 2019. (Photo: IANS)

Chandigarh, Nov 21 (IANS) In a first-of-its-kind in the region, a group of seven young men have come together to form a music band on wheelchairs.

The seven-member band named 'Flowing Karma' is excited for having got an opportunity to perform with renowned Bollywood singer Tochi Raina at a musical evening in Spinal Rehab here on Friday.

All of them are going through rehabilitation at the rehab centre for acute disabilities like spinal cord and brain injury.

The band, which was officially launched on Thursday, has already performed in the city and aspires to come up with its own album someday.

They are all youngsters with most of them in their 20's, and their determination to live a meaningful life is undeterred despite having been left paralysed by mishaps.

Nicky P. Kaur, founder and CEO of Chandigarh Spinal Rehab, said: "Sometimes Karma can knock us down, even cripples us. Then the spirit comes alive in full glory and Karma flows once again from destruction to joyous creation."

Band leader Tridib Chaudhary, 39, from Assam said: "All of us face challenges in life like anyone else but we have learnt to cope with them."

A fall had left Tridib paraplegic and as soon as his condition improved after rehab, he again started practising guitar which has always been his passion.

