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Doodle artist recreates iconic art history

Mr Doodle - © 2019 MrDoodle All rights reserved

From the Mona Lisa to the Scream, how would you like iconic paintings redone as fun, quirky doodles?

BySiddhi Jain

November 28, 2019 (IANSlife) A solo exhibition of works by a 25-year-old popular British artist Sam Cox, more commonly known as Mr. Doodle, will open next week in a Hong Kong gallery.

From December 6-19, Mr. Doodle will exhibit his works in Sotheby’s S|2 gallery space, as a humorous reinterpretation of some of the most famous and iconic paintings in history, including Leonardo da Vinci's 'The Mona Lisa', Gustav Klimt's 'The Kiss', and Munch's 'Scream'.


Mr Doodle - © 2019 MrDoodle All rights reserved


Some pieces have been recreated in very abstract ways and some in a very clear reference to the original.

“Critics often describe my doodles as ‘not art’. In response to this, I thought what better surface to invade than Sotheby's, one of the most prestigious fine art auction houses in the world who sold some of the most renowned artworks in history? I, therefore, decided to invade their gallery with my doodles, twisting and morphing these iconic pieces and transforming them into part of DoodleWorld. This series was really fun to make, and I hope this exhibition allows the audience to see the art world through my own eyes -- something to have fun with and something to laugh at," Mr. Doodle, the artist, said.


Mr Doodle, Mona Doodle, 2019
Mr Doodle, Mona Doodle, 2019


The series of graffiti-style works inspired by historical masterpieces, promises to be a voyage through art history.

It also questions the boundaries between art and graffiti while engaging playfully with iconic works from the history of art.


Mr Doodle, Mr Doodle Screaming, 2019
Mr Doodle, Mr Doodle Screaming, 2019


(This article is a website exclusive and cannot be reproduced without the permission of IANSlife)

Siddhi Jain can be contacted at

Editing by N. Lothungbeni Humtsoe